„I had the time of my life“ – Erasmus+ bietet tolle Erfahrungen im Ausland-1

„I had the time of my life“ – Erasmus+ bietet tolle Erfahrungen im Ausland

17. August 2017

Moritz Fischer und Yasin Krebs, angehende <link internal-link>Fremdsprachenkorrespondenten der Euro Akademie Aschaffenburg und diesjährige Teilnehmer am <link internal-link>EU-Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+, absolvierten ihre mehrwöchigen <link http: www.euroakademie.de magazin erasmus-praktikum-auf-teneriffa _blank external-link-new-window auf>Praktika in Puerto de la Cruz, Teneriffa, im Online-Marketing-Bereich.

Dafür opferten sie zwar einen Teil ihrer Sommerferien, konnten jedoch berufsrelevante Fertigkeiten – wie das Schreiben von Online-Artikeln – trainieren und erhielten viele neue Eindrücke. Ihre Freizeit nutzten sie, um Land und Leute kennenzulernen.

Lesen Sie mehr über die aufregende und lehrreiche Zeit auf der kanarischen Insel:

Die besten drei Wochen des Lebens

"… So as I only have one and half days left plus a hangoverish Saturday morning, I guess, I becoming kind of sentimental looking back on those amazing three weeks which were most definitely the best three weeks I had in my entire life up to date. I just love the atmosphere here, the people are way more relaxed than they are in Germany, they are so friendly and help you as well as they can. Nature was the other big part that made me fell in love with this island. The beautiful hills I saw every morning from my balcony have fascinated me as well as the pristine beaches with their waves crushing on the hot volcanic sand just to crawl back into the ocean seconds after. It’s truly a magical place, one that I can more than recommend to everyone who’s searching for a change of scene of a particular kind." 

Leckeres Essen, neue Freunde – Rückkehr garantiert

"As I don’t want to bother you any longer with more of my romantic descriptions and sentimental tellings, I’ll keep it short on the following: The last three weeks were absolutely amazing, the places I visited, the food and drinks I tasted, the atmosphere I experienced, the people I met and became friends with; every little aspect and a ton more I can’t really find words to describe, all of it made this trip so inconceivably unforgettable that I just can’t wait to come back next year ‘cause I deeply fell in love with this place! If you had asked me a few weeks ago, where I would like to be in the future, I would have found no answer. If you ask me now, I sure as hell have one."

Moritz Fischer

Schreiben - alte Leidenschaft neu entdeckt

"…The second week started just as exciting as the first week because now we didn’t have school. Instead, our internship began and we were actually working here. While in Germany, I always tried to imagine what the work here would be like. And I have to say with the things we do here in the office, I really got to meet an old passion of mine again, writing. Our job includes writing articles and updating articles. At first, we had to write an article about our first week here on the island, which then was released on the website of the school. To be honest, this made me so proud that I even shared the link with my friends in Germany the same day! I sent it to everybody just to show that the stuff I write is being appreciated. My next task was to update an article which was originally written by the CEO Frank back in 2015. It was about learning Spanish with movies. At first, I didn’t really know how to do that or how to begin, but after getting comfortable with this task it made much fun. I had to do a big research about everything and really put my mind into this job.

Viele Ideen, gute Recherche und das Gefühl von Dirty Dancing

Of course, I gave my best and I had so many ideas for this article. At some point I even did a little bit too much research which led Sarah, a trainer who gave me the task, to say that with the extra information I found I could write my very own article on the company’s homepage.This really was the best moment ever in these three weeks. I created an idea which the people here and even the CEO liked so much that they wanted it as an article on their website. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to write that article, because I finished the update of the other article in the middle of the last week. But I really hope that this will be the reason why they will remember me and welcome me here next year again. Meanwhile, in our free time, we met other people from Germany and had a great time with them. We became friends and even exchanged our numbers. What else can I say? In these three weeks on this island, I had the time of my life, just like that one song from Dirty Dancing!”

Yasin Krebs

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„I had the time of my life“ – Erasmus+ bietet tolle Erfahrungen im Ausland-1