Auslandspraktikum in Schottland

17. April 2018

Mitte Juli 2018 beginnt der diesjährige „Erasmus+ Flow“: Auszubildende der Euro Akademie Aschaffenburg gehen für 4 bis 6 Wochen nach Schottland, Teneriffa oder Frankreich, um das dortige Arbeitsleben kennenzulernen, ihre Fremdsprachenkenntnisse zu verbessern – und viele aufregende und inspirierende neue Eindrücke und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Zuvor müssen sie ein umfangreiches Bewerbungs- und Vorbereitungsverfahren durchlaufen und ihre Motivation und Eignung unter Beweis stellen.

Mit dem nachfolgenden Motivationsschreiben bewarb sich Viktoria, angehende <link internal-link zum>Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin, um ein Auslandspraktikum mit Erasmus+. Die Aschaffenburger Schulleitung war sofort überzeugt! Sind Sie es auch?

"Understanding their customs and their ways of tackling problems - Warum ich ein Praktikum in Schottland machen möchte:"

Since I was a little child, I have been invested in learning the English language. The fact that almost everyone on this planet can speak that language gives me a sense of freedom; just the thought of being able to speak a world language is amazing. It all started in first grade when I noticed how interested I was in the language, and to this day the interest has not waned.

For years I have been trying my best to learn as much as I can. Of course, I learned English through watching shows and films in English, and also by reading books written by people whose mother tongue is English, but I must say that the best way to learn English is to speak to native speakers. In the last couple of years, I have had the chance to talk to many native English speakers, and travel to England multiple times. It gave me an insight that I had not had before. I think British people are easy to get along with and very funny, and I think that is what draws me to the country and the people.

Before I started my training in Aschaffenburg, I was sure that I could talk to people from Great Britain without a problem. The only thing I always wanted to learn is how Britain’s companies work, and how they communicate with each other. It is one thing to understand a country’s slang and everyday small talk, but understanding their customs, and their ways of tackling problems is another thing.

I see Erasmus+ as an important opportunity in my life because it will give me a chance to finally work in a company abroad. After my training in Aschaffenburg I want to move to England and find a job there. This still seems like an almost unreachable goal of mine, but going abroad and gaining this experience will open so many doors in my life. My future employer will be more likely to consider me as an employee than someone who has never been abroad before. I will hopefully understand how British companies work, and adapt to them.

The reason I chose Scotland is because I am amazed by the balance of industry and rural scenery. I would like to do a job which involves talking to people, instead of writing letters and replying to emails. I think that speaking a foreign language is a much more effective way of learning it, rather than just writing it. I see this as an opportunity to prove my English skills and economic skills to someone who is not from the country I am from.

I hope it will not only be an educational experience, but also a funny experience and of course, a life changing experience. I cannot wait to learn important life lessons, and meet people from different cultures and backgrounds because it will broaden my horizon, and teach me how to be more independent, but also give me more confidence. I am ready to face the good and bad things I will encounter as it will give me another push towards my adult life and will enable me to handle criticism better.

I hope that one day I can inspire someone to also go abroad, and try out something completely different, tell someone about my experience in Scotland, and maybe change their life. One day, my goal of working and living in England might not seem as unreachable as it does now, and I think going to Scotland is a step in the right direction and a step into my future life. This will help me a lot with my business English and my overall economic mindset.

Text: Motivationsschreiben von Viktoria Seibold (FSK 1)

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