For sure! Training courses at the Euro Akademie start as usual - apply now!

27. April 2020

By the summer, the final examinations for graduates in 2020 will have been completed. Then a new chapter full of exciting challenges and experiences begins. But the search for apprenticeships is not as easygoing as usual this year. Unfortunately, many companies have to reckon with major economic losses as a result of the Corona crisis, not all of them are able to provide training as usual. An alternative to the dual training system is offered by vocational schools, technical colleges and technical academies such as the Euro Akademie. The Euro Akademie will start its school-based vocational training in 2020 as usual - applications are possible at any time.

Nobody knows at the moment how the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises, which provide about 60 percent of the jobs in Germany, will develop. Around 650,000 companies have already had to register for short-time work due to the Corona crisis. One thing is clear: There will not be as many in-company training places as before the crisis this year. Therefore, alternatives are in greater demand than ever before.

Start your vocational training at the Euro Akademie

The Euro Akademie will continue to offer school-based vocational training throughout Germany in the fields of Business & Management, Foreign Languages & International, Pedagogy & Social Affairs and Health & Care at the start of training in 2020. In many training courses it will also be possible to obtain the Fachhochschulreife. Good to know: School fees are not charged for all courses of study. In general, the training courses are eligible for support through Schüler-BAföG, which does not have to be paid back.

Online lessons at the Euro Akademie - creative solutions and concepts

Despite the loss of face-to-face teaching due to the restrictions imposed by the Corona crisis since March 2020, training at the Euro Akademie was able to continue. The Euro Akademie institutes were quick to adapt to the current measures of the Federal Government and the German states, to react creatively to them and to design online offers for pupils.

Picture source: © Akira Kaelyn/

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