Children's Rights During the Pandemic - a Challenge for Educational Work
The Corona Pandemic also poses a great challenge for educational work. New approaches and ideas are urgently needed to accompany children and young people through this disturbing time.
90 Participants Actively Exchange Ideas in the Digital Online World Café
On April 1, 2020, more than 90 educational specialists, students of the vocational schools for social pedagogy (<link de standorte berlin.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Euro Akademie Berlin), social pedagogues and other interested parties met for the first digital online world café. Together they discussed how pedagogical work can be shaped from the contact barrier:
Questions and focal points
How can educators respond to the different needs and challenges? How can children and young people be protected, empowered and involved during this time? How can compliance with children's rights be ensured in this situation?
In seven video chat rooms the participants talked about topics such as child and youth protection, children's rights, open child and youth work and homeschooling and exchanged ideas and experiences. One of the main focuses was on the need to cultivate relationships from the contact block, because all participants agreed on one point: it is important that children and young people have contact persons outside their home environment who are available to them as contact persons in conflicts and crises. Children, adolescents and their families should feel that their familiar pedagogical staff will remain at their side, that they will be interested in how they are doing and that they will support them.
To be continued
The participants found the new format very productive and helpful for the professional exchange and wished for a continuation.
If you are interested in participating in the next digital online world café, please write to: <link mail>world-cafe-berlin(at)euroakademie.de.
The exchange was initiated and organised by lecturers from the School for Social Pedagogy of the Euro Akademie Berlin. This was supported by educational specialists from the Kitas Waldräuber and Adlerküken, which belong to the same carrier (Euro-Schulen gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für berufliche Bildung und Beschäftigung Berlin Brandenburg mbH).
The Online World Café is an initiative of:
Euro Akademie Berlin
Technical school for social pedagogy
Berliner Straße 66, 13507 Berlin
In cooperation with:
ESO daycare centres
Berliner Straße 66, 13507 Berlin
The organizing team:
Meike Dudde, lecturer
Heike Jeßnitz, lecturer
Eve Rossow, lecturer
Hilmar Sistek, lecturer
Anna Toczyska, Head of ESO-Kitas
E-mail: <link mail>world-cafe-berlin(at)euroakademie.de
Phone: 030 43557030
Picture source: © gguy/shutterstock.com